martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

Problems of Biological Diversity in Venezuela and the Region.

An environmental problem is defined as any undesirable situation in environment, which requires human action to diagnose, manage and correct. As the various components make up a complex system environment  in equilibrium; the alteration or degradation of one of these elements, can bring the effect of breaking the natural dynamics. The effects of  human interventions have a local effect also manifests   far beyond the site targeted by the intervention causing changes to   globally, an example of this are acid rain, the greenhouse effect,  global warming.

The deterioration of the environment has been, in recent years, an issue of paramount importance to first world countries. Ironically, in Venezuela country that has been classified as one of six "megadiverse" countries of Latin America, considered among the top ten places in the world for biodiversity conservation debate on environmental issues has not collected the same effect.


  • Carolayn Salinas             C.I: 24.350.885 (71)
  • Dhankarlys Marquez     C.I: 25.987.013 (75)

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